Dear readers, It is a joy to have children of your own. In fact, every marriage wishes to be blessed with children. What happens when a couple cannot conceive after the first year of marriage? In our society, children are seen as the fruit of marriage. It brings such joy to a family to have children running around the home. But not everyone can have children after the first year of marriage. If you have this issue, the common thing to do is to visit the hospital to see a doctor. Normally, you would have to do a series of tests to find out the root cause. But one verdict still remains. The cause of many childlessness can be traced to one reason- Infertility! Yes! Infertility is a medical condition where a couple is unable to get pregnant after a series of intercourse. This is a very serious medical issue that affects not only the woman. But the man too. According to a study, 1 in every 3 infertile women has a problem with the reproductive system. The same thing goes for men- 1 in ...