Medical science versus reality. Permit me to say that I do agree with medical science on a number of things but sometimes some of it claims are way too pompous. A good example are the statement and claims below. Things science say that don't make sense to me. Science says: Every ninety days we have new blood. Why does HIV persist? Why does sickle cell persist? How come people have blood desease that linger for years? Science says: Every eleven months every cell in our body is new. New heart. New brain. New lungs. New kidneys. New eyes. Etc. Why do we age then? Why do we have prolonged deseases? Science says: Every two years every bone in our body is new. Why do arthritis thrive for 10yrs? Are you aware people have broken born in childhood and the fracture remains with them a life time? I mean, people literally suffer later in life for an accident that happens many years ago. How does all of these add up? Who else is as confused as I ...