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DISCOVER The Cheap, New & Effective STEM CELL THERAPY that heals the most popular illnesses and also PREVENT you from having any.

Limited stock available.

Order for your miracle Faforon stem cell. 🛒


For a distributor near you call or Whatsapp this number+2349051134951

Faforlife price

Faforlife has a standard price for all their products and they sell their products in packages which basically refers to as faforlife registration packages.

Below are the prices in Nigerian naira with no extra charges for shipping. 

Prices of Faforon Liquid stemcell are as below:





 Biz Class👉 N120,000 (13 BIG-BOTTLES) OR 26 SMALL BOTTLES.

 Biz Executive👉 N270,000


Please pick any package you want and fill your delivery details below.


Kindly send your details in this format to place an order:


Phone number:  

Detailed Address: 

Product & Quantity Order: 

Expected Delivery Date:

Delivery is 1-3 working days.

 Kindly pay here and send proof of payment via WhatsApp:

Lovette Gibson 



Notify us after payment for us to confirm & proceed.

Faforlife international

Faforlife is a borderless business meaning you can work from home and anywhere in the world. They also ship globally so buying faforlife products from any part of the globe is super easy.

Contact info: 

Call or whatsapp this number to know how to become a FaforLife distributor today -

+234 9051134951

Visit our website

Faforlife Abuja

Faforlife has a network of robust outlet around the world and Abuja is not left out. Go ahead and find the closest faforlife office to you in Abuja and you will be well attended to. Just look up on Google and you will find tons of answers. 

Can faforon be taken during pregnancy?

Although faforlife had expressly disclosed that pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid taking faforon, doctors have however used it for such patients under strict observation. So if you are not under strict observation or a medical doctor avoid using faforon as a pregnant woman especially during the first trimester. 

Can foforon cure ulcer

Yes faforon can be used to treat ulcer and trimendous results have been gotten from those who already used the product to treat ulcer related issues. 

Can foforon cure sickle cell

This is what I called the icing on the cake. Faforon was made for sickle cell anemia patient. The reason is because no other medication has been this tremendous on addressing anemic issues. Of all the cases faforon can cure, sickle cell anemia has been the easiest with many mind blowing testimonials to show for it. 

Warning: faforon will not change the genotype,

 but will address shortage of blood which takes the patient every month to the hospital for transmission of blood.

 It will stop the crises.

It will stop the pains. 

Faforon side effects

The side effects differ from person to person. Some people for the first week of treatment experience frequent urination.

Some others it may purge slightly.

Mind headache due largely to lack of blood to that region but faforon is taking blood there. One of it major function is blood circulation so you may feel some very mild headache at the initial state. The symptoms are so mild you may not even notice it. 

How much is faforon in Nigeria or How much is faforon herbal

Faforlife price

Faforlife has a standard price for all their products and they sell their products in packages which basically refers to as faforlife registration packages.

Below are the prices in Nigerian naira with no extra charges for shipping. 





 Biz Class👉 N120,000 (13 BIG-BOTTLES) OR 26 SMALL BOTTLES.

 Biz Executive👉 N270,000


Can faforon cure hepatitis b

Yes faforon can handle hepatitis b very well but it's used in combination with Spidex19.

So if you want a lasting solution use faforon with Spidex19 for any infection related deseases and that includes any of the hepatitis condition. 

Faforon business

Join faforon business to earn a decent amount of money to feed your family. This business will not only feed you and your family but will also make you a giver. 

Click the link below to learn more about becoming a member.

Contact info: 

Call or whatsapp this number to know how to become a FaforLife distributor today -

+234 9051134951

Visit our website


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